
Beyond March: Supporting Women on the Path to the College Presidency


In the wake of Women’s History Month, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the significance of our efforts to honor and uplift women. Amidst the flurry of acknowledgments and celebrations we see every March, there’s a deeper conversation to be had about how we support women on their professional journeys in higher education.

We know the numbers. The most recent edition of the American College President Study (ACPS) shows that the gender gap persists in higher education leadership. Though the number of women presidents has grown slightly (2.7 percent since 2017), they remain significantly outnumbered by men, 2:1. This disparity is even larger for women of color. Notably, as we think of how best to close this gap, women tend to have different career paths to the presidency compared to men, often rising through the academic ranks rather than coming in as external hires.

The leadership attribute continuum

In her 2018 book Leadership: In Turbulent Times, Doris Kearns Goodwin posits a number of questions: Are leaders born or made? Where does ambition come from? How does adversity affect the growth of leadership? Do the times make the leader or does the leader shape the times? How can a leader infuse a sense of purpose and meaning into people’s lives? What is the difference between power, title, and leadership? Is leadership possible without a purpose larger than personal ambition?

Though Goodwin poses these in a binary fashion, I see the foundation of these either/or questions as the importance of understanding the difference between the word “leader” and the action of “leadership.” When one assumes a new title with more responsibility (e.g., president or chancellor) there is an obligation to demonstrate leadership skills that are purpose-driven and bigger than self, ego, or title.

I believe that there are no definitive answers to questions that revolve around whether leaders are born or made, whether leadership is learned or innate, and what the qualities are of female leaders versus male leaders. Each of these answers is on a continuum and includes multiple perspectives. Successful leadership, and in this case leadership for women presidents, includes all of the above: leadership is both internal and also learned; leadership qualities vary by person and gender. However, there is a common denominator in the literature that asserts successful leaders embody and demonstrate some common attributes: humility, honesty, transparency, vulnerability, vision, and ethical behavior.

Leading initiatives and building relationships to lift others

One of my professional opportunities this year, following my 12-year presidency at the University of La Verne, is helping to lead an international initiative for the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP). This initiative focuses on strategic leadership skills for women university presidents, rectors, and chancellors. It also deals with how male and female presidents globally can create pathways, pipelines, and professional opportunities for women to ascend into executive leadership roles in higher education. Through this initiative, IAUP will produce a publication spotlighting female international presidents and their pathways to the presidency as well as podcasts with ACE spotlighting these same women.

In this upcoming publication, the authors often talk about the challenges they faced in their careers. One big thing they mention is how another professional inspired them to aim higher and strive for advancement. Another common denominator is their aspiration to always pursue opportunities that had great impact on an institution and students. Essentially, they continually saw their role as moving an agenda that was not related to their own recognition or ego but rather for a greater good.

A new series of interviews titled Voices from the Field 2023: Experiences of Women Presidents in Higher Education found a key ingredient for success: relationships. The five participants emphasized the importance of mentors and peers, especially other women leaders, in their journeys to the top.

They mentioned challenges like feeling lonely in the role and dealing with new leadership issues, which makes having mentorship networks crucial. Mentors, both men and women, played a big part in helping these women reach their goals. They also stressed the importance of having a diverse group of mentors and highlighted how peers and friends provided essential support. The message is clear: women in higher education leadership need each other. By building strong relationships, we can create a future where the presidency isn’t just attainable for women, but truly fulfilling.

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